Author(s): Saravanan S., Tamizharasi K.


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00023   

Address: Saravanan S.1*, Tamizharasi K.2
1Research Scholar, Professor & HOD, Sri Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
2Principal, Sri Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2024

Introduction: Humans vare social creatures by nature. A person's personality is mostly determined by how well they fit into society1. Aim: Determine the level of social adjustment among adolescents. Methods: Descriptive design was adopted. 50 adolescents studying higher secondary education from selected higher secondary schools were selected for the study. Demographic profile and social adjustment scale was used to collect data. The data analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The study findings revealed that, maximum 31(62%) adolescents were having High level of Social Adjustment, followed by 10(20%) of adolescents has above average level and 4(8%) of adolescents has average and extremely high level of social adjustment. The place of living, education and occupational level of mother got associated with the level of social adjustment. Conclusion: The study findings show that, the maximum adolescents has the high level of social adjustment and the place of living, education and occupational level of mother has got association with adolescents social adjustment. Implications for practice: Educators must be aware of the difficulties teenagers are having integrating into society. The best method to improve teenagers' abilities to socially adapt is to understand them, their difficulties, and how to care for them.

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Saravanan S., Tamizharasi K.. Social Adjustment among Adolescents. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024; 12(3):103-6. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00023

Saravanan S., Tamizharasi K.. Social Adjustment among Adolescents. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2024; 12(3):103-6. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00023   Available on:

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