Objectives of the article is to create awareness regarding yoga mudras, to highlight the benefits of yoga mudras, & to draw attention of health professionals across the globe. Introduction: The term “mudra” is a Sanskrit word meaning “gesture.” Yoga mudras are used to aide in healing by focusing energy to different parts of the body. Mudra means “seal,” “gesture,” or “mark.” Yoga mudras are symbolic gestures often practiced with the hands and fingers. Benefits of mudras such as they facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance one’s journey within. Explore mudras step by step and add something new to your practice. Yoga mudras provide various health benefits such as it helps relax the body. It helps relieve stress, Improves focus and concentration, Stimulates brain and strengthens nervous system. Review of literature: A study conducted regarding Effect of yoga hand mudra on cardiac and neurological parameters in preventing heart attack. Heart attack is the leading cause of death worldwide and incidence of cases are increasing every day. Yoga hand mudra is effective in improving medical conditions like heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes and many more. In the study, male and female subjects (n=41) (normal 27 and heart patients 14) aged between 30-65 years were included. On all subjects, yoga hand mudra was tried as per study protocol and both cardiac and neurological parameters were recorded before and after performing mudra. In heart patient subjects, there was a substantial reduction in systolic, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and blood viscosity. Moreover, increase in myocardial blood perfusion volume, coronary perfusion pressure, brain tissue blood supply and memory index was observed. Conclusion: Mudras are the part of yoga and it is priceless contribution of India to whole world. The long term practice of mudra yoga will have lot of health benefits and it should be practiced under the yoga teacher for better result and proper utilization of mudras. The many Hindu saints gained highest level of mediation through practicing these mudras constantly and continuously for many years/decades.
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Yoga Mudras: Benefits, Rekha B Biradar. Yoga Mudras: Benefits. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(4): 324-328. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00074.4
Yoga Mudras: Benefits, Rekha B Biradar. Yoga Mudras: Benefits. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(4): 324-328. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00074.4 Available on: https://ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2018-6-4-13