Author(s): Shalini Saranya, Vijayarani Prince, J. Lakshmi Priya


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00001.X   

Address: Mrs. Shalini Saranya1, Mrs. Vijayarani Prince2, Mrs. J. Lakshmi Priya3
1Lecturer, Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound, Dharapuram-638 656.
2Principal, Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound, Dharapuram-638 656.
3Professor, Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound, Dharapuram-638 656.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 6,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2018

Early marriage is a stark reality and injustice affecting girls globally. Early year, an estimated 10 million girls are married before they reach 18,the age below which people are defined as children by the united nations. In the developing world, 1 in 3 girls are married before the age of 181. The report predicts these rates will increase dramatically if nothing is done and that an additional 142 million girls will have been married between 2010-2020.The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of IEC on problems of early marriage in terms of knowledge and attitude among adolescent girls at Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram.The research approach used for the study was evaluative approach. The research design used for this study was pre experimental one group pretest posttest only design. Conceptual frame work adopted in the present study was the modified shuffle Beam CIPP model (1983).the purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 samples for the study. The tool used for the study was self administered questionnaire to assess knowledge and five point Likert scale to assess the attitude regarding problems of early marriage. IEC was prepared in which information were conveyed through video clips, video drama and slides using laptop, Education was given using flip chart. In communication the researcher discussed with samples regarding prevention of early marriage by using opinion questionnaire for 10 minutes. Collected data were tabulated and analysed by using statistical package. There is significant between pre test and post test knowledge scores. The mean pre test and post test scores were 10.41 (SD±3.86), 18.2(SD ±2.72) respectively. The post test mean score was higher than pre test mean score. Mean difference was 7.79. The paired ‘t’ test value was 8.85 which was significant at P< 0.05 level. The mean pre test and post test attitude scores were 47.13(SD±10), 64.2(SD± 5.3) respectively. Mean difference was 17.07.The paired ‘t’ test value was 8.33. Which was significant at P< 0.05 level. It showed that there was a positive correlation between knowledge and attitude scores. The results revealed that there was no significant association between problems of early marriage among adolescent girls and their selected demographic variables except for education of the mother (? 2=7.827) at p < 0.05 level .The study findings showed that the IEC programme was effective in increasing the knowledge and attitude regarding problems of early marriage among adolescents.

Cite this article:
Shalini Saranya, Vijayarani Prince, J. Lakshmi Priya. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of IEC on Problems of Early Marriage in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude Among Adolescent Girls at Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram.Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(1): 01-05. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00001.X

Shalini Saranya, Vijayarani Prince, J. Lakshmi Priya. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of IEC on Problems of Early Marriage in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude Among Adolescent Girls at Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram.Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(1): 01-05. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00001.X   Available on:

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