Introduction Sudden death occur when heartbeat and breathing stop suddenly or unexpectedly. The major role pf CPR is to provide oxygen to heart, brain and the other vital organ until medical treatment (advance cardiac life support-ACLS) can restore normal heart action. Angela Morrow RN cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure used when a patient’s heart stops compressions of the chest or electrical shocks along with rescue breathing. Mosby Medical Dictionary CPR is basic emergency procedure for life support consisting of artificial and manual external cardiac massage. There were some techniques to keep people alive developed in the 18th century, both in Japan and in Europe, but it was well into the 20th century before Elam and Safar discovered and published the truly effective method known as CPR. Safar conducted research on existing basic life support procedure including controlling a person's breathing airway by tilting back his or her head with an open mouth; and using mouth to mouth breathing. He combined these with a procedure known as closed-chest cardiac massage to become and basic life support method of CPR. Safar also created the first guidelines for community-wide emergency medical Services, or EMS; he founded the International Resuscitation Research Centre at the University of Pittsburgh, which he directed until 1994; and he was nominated three times for a Nobel Prize. Method According to Polit and Hungler - purposive sampling is a type of non probability sampling method in which the Researcher select the subjects for the study on the basis of personal judgement about which one will be most representative or productive. Sampling is the process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire population. In which study the purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data from the available samples falling under inclusive criteria. Result and conclusion Pretest knowledge score among B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students of experimental group are 7(14%) having inadequate knowledge. 43 (86?) having moderate knowledge and none of them are 0(0%) having adequate knowledge. With mean 9.64. mean percentage 15.68% and standard deviation 5.346 respectively. Post test knowledge score among B.Sc. nursing 2nd year student are having inadequate knowledge 2(4%) and B.Sc. nursing 2near student are having moderate knowledge 13(26%) and none of them are having adequate knowledge 35(70%).The B.Sc. nursing 2nd year student score mean of 17.06 mean percentage 44.12% and standard deviation 9.5628 in the level of knowledge assessment.Age of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students 44% (22) are belongs to 18-19 year of age group 44% (22) B.Sc.2nd year student belongs to 20-21 years of age groups. Religion of B.Sc. nursing 2"year student reveals that 70% (35) B.Sc. nursing are belongs to Hindu religion and 28% (14) B.Sc. nursing 2nd year student belongs to Christian religion, and 2%(1) B.Sc. nursing 2nd year student belong to Muslim. A source of information reveals that 6% (3) B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students gain knowledge through magazine. 2% (1) B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students gain knowledge through newspaper, 18% (9) gain knowledge through T.V.,74% (35) gain knowledge through others. Shows the responses of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students on structured knowledge questionnaire which is consist of 20 items and under four areas. This area comes under pre test knowledge. First areas mean score is 3.1, mean percentage is 2.6, SD 1.3153. second areas mean score 1.22, mean percentage 2.44, SD 0.3450. third areas mean score1.64, mean 3.28. SD 0.0028. fourth areas mean score 3.68, mean 7.36, SD 3.6430, Overall pretest result are mean (9.64), mean (15.68), SD(5.3461). This area comes under post test knowledge. first areas mean score is 4.88, mean percentage is 9.76, SD 2.0705. second areas mean score 3.7, mean percentage 7.4, SD 1.0465. third areas mean score 1.98, mean 13.96, SD 0.0098. Fourth areas mean score 6.5. mean 13, SD 6436, Overall posttest result are mean (17.06), mean o. (44.I2), SD (9.5628). Difference mean % of the pre test and post test knowledge score are: - first areas mean %7 second areas mean % 4.96, third areas mean 10.68. Fourth areas 5.64 and overall difference mean % 28.28. Reveals that the mean pretest knowledge score was only 9.64 and the post test knowledge score was 17.06. SD 4.21, -paired t value 1.508 and table value 3.365. The paired 't' test was used to find out the effectiveness of between pretest and post test it's shows structured teaching programme on CPR was highly effective at the significance level P (t-1.508).
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Pragya Singh. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching regarding the knowledge of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation among B.Sc. 2nd year students, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(4):405-4. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00089
Pragya Singh. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching regarding the knowledge of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation among B.Sc. 2nd year students, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(4):405-4. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00089 Available on: https://ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2022-10-4-21