Author(s): Satyaveer Singh, Abhishek Jain


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00027   

Address: Satyaveer Singh1, Abhishek Jain2
1HOD of Psychiatric Nursing, Venkteshwar College of Nursing, Umarda, Dist: Udaipur.
22nd year M.Sc Nursing Student, Venkteshwar College of Nursing, Umarda, Dist: Udaipur.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2022

Introduction: - Mental health is a state of successful mental functioning, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships, and the ability to adapt to changes and cope with adversity. Mental health is indispensable to personal well-being, family and interpersonal relationships, and one’s contribution to society. Objectives of the Study: To determine the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme in terms of gain in the knowledge level of significant individual in selected rural community on basic awareness of psychiatric disorders. Method And Material: A descriptive evaluatory approach with one group pre-test, post test design was used for the study. Data was collected by administering a structured interview schedule. After collection of the demographic data, PTP was administered to the subjects and on the seventh day, the post-test was conducted. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (mean, median, SD, ‘t’ test, x2 test). Results: The pre test mean score was 10.58, standard deviation was 1.71 and the mean% was 52.9. The post test mean score was 14.94, standard deviation was 1.39 and the mean% was 74.7. The difference in mean% was 21.8. The calculated’ value of 22.31 which showed high statistical significance at p<0.001 level. There was no significant association of post test level of knowledge with any of the demographic variables. Regarding First aid and safety measure. Conclusion: This chapter has dealt with the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from 40 significant individuals. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis. It was found that the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of the individuals ranged from 10-27 and 14 to 31 respectively. The mean post –test knowledge scores of the individuals ranged from 10-27 and 14 to 31 respectively. The mean post-test knowledge scores (x2 =22.85) were higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (x1 = 16.8). The ‘t’ value computed (t39 =9.7, p <0.05) showed significant difference suggesting that PTP was effective in increasing the knowledge of the significant individuals on basic awareness of psychiatric disorders. There was no significant association between pre-test knowledge and selected variables.

Cite this article:
Satyaveer Singh, Abhishek Jain. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on Basic Awareness of Psychiatric Disorder in Selected Rural Commuunity at Udaipur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(2):106-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00027

Satyaveer Singh, Abhishek Jain. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) on Basic Awareness of Psychiatric Disorder in Selected Rural Commuunity at Udaipur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(2):106-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00027   Available on:

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