Background: Pregnancy is the vital event in the life of a women, it need special attention from the time of conception to the postnatal stage, every pregnancy is a unique experience for that women and each pregnancy the women experience will be new and adequately different.1 Minor disorder are common in pregnant mothers like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, leg cramps, backache, constipation, vaginal discharge, One of the important strategies in the care of pregnant women is improving the knowledge it is essential to give advice to specific problem which the women is experiencing.2 This the present study was carried out to assess effectiveness of educational intervention on awareness and attitude regarding minor aliment of pregnancy and its management among primigravida mother. Objectives: Determine the effectiveness on knowledge, awareness and attitude on minor aliment of pregnancy. Material and methods: A Quasi experimental research study undertaken Antenatal OPD of Pravara Rural Hospital Loni BK. A total of 60 primigravida mother were selected with the help of. Non randomized purposive sampling techniques was used to assess to assess Effectiveness of educational intervention on awareness and attitude regarding minor aliment of pregnancy and its management among primigravida mother. Attitude scale was used for awareness and attitude regarding minor aliment of pregnancy and its management among primigravida motherthe study comprises total 60 primigravida mother they were grouped as study group and control group through Non randomized purposive sampling technique. One group receivedtotal educationabout minor aliment of pregnancy and other arenot received education about minor aliment of pregnancy Results: Comparison of the pretest and posttest mean score shows the effectiveness of health education by (25%) as the posttest mean % which is (95%) of total score i.e. good knowledge which is significantly higher than the pretest means % i.e. 80%. it interprets that the primigravida mothers had improvement of knowledge from average to good knowledge. In line it was found Statistically significant t=2.78 at 0.0 r level there was a significant association found between knowledge and attitude with socio demographic variables like age, education, type of family Conclusion: Majority primigravida mother had good knowledge regarding minor aliment of pregnancy and its management through the educational intervention.
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Mega Arun Sonwane. Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on Awareness and Attitude regarding minor aliment of Pregnancy and its management among Primigravida mother attending Antenatal clinics of Pravara Rural Hospital Loni (BK). Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2020; 8(4):321-325. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00071.2
Mega Arun Sonwane. Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on Awareness and Attitude regarding minor aliment of Pregnancy and its management among Primigravida mother attending Antenatal clinics of Pravara Rural Hospital Loni (BK). Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2020; 8(4):321-325. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2020.00071.2 Available on: https://ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-8-4-11
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