Author(s): P.Jasmine Sharmila, J. Lakshmi Priya, Vijayarani Prince


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00002.6   

Address: Mrs. P.Jasmine Sharmila1, Mrs. J. Lakshmi Priya2, Mrs. Vijayarani Prince3
1Lecturer, Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound,Dharapuram-638 656.
2 Professor , Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound,Dharapuram-638 656.
3Principal , Bishops College of Nursing, C.S.I Mission Compound,Dharapuram-638 656.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 5,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2017

Stress usually occurs in normal part of life. But too much stress can lead to emotional, psychological, and even physical problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains, or irregular heart to beats. Reducing stress can help lower high blood pressure1. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of yoga therapy and physical exercises on stress and blood pressure among adults with hypertension Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram. The research approach used for the study was evaluative approach. The Quasi experimental non equivalent pre test post test control group design was used. The conceptual frame work of the study was based on the modified Imogine “King’s Goal Attainment Theory” (1981). Purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 samples for the study, 30 in experimental group and 30 in control group. The tool used for the study was sphygmomanometer and perceived stress scale Questionnaire to measure blood pressure and stress. The intervention was performing physical exercises for 30 minutes and yoga therapy for 30 minutes for a period of 15 days in the experimental group. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The paired ‘t’ value for systolic blood pressure was 10.04 which was significant at P<0.05 level of significance. The paired ‘t’ value for diastolic blood pressure was16.2 which was significant at P<0.05 level of significance. The paired ‘t’ value for stress was 21.6which was significant at P<0.05 level of significance. The independent ‘t’ value was 6.276 for systolic blood pressure and 3.87 for diastolic blood pressure and17.7 for stress .which were significant at P<0.05 level of significance. There is a positive correlation between stress and systolic blood pressure r = 0.516. There were significant associations between blood pressure and stress with demographic variables but diet and habit of doing exercise has no significant association with stress and blood pressure. The study findings revealed that physical exercises and yoga therapy were beneficial and there was a significant reduction in blood pressure and stress among adult in experimental group.

Cite this article:
P.Jasmine Sharmila, J. Lakshmi Priya, Vijayarani Prince. A Quasi Experimental study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy and Physical Exercises on Stress and Blood Pressure among Adults with Hypertension Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(1): 04-08. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00002.6

P.Jasmine Sharmila, J. Lakshmi Priya, Vijayarani Prince. A Quasi Experimental study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy and Physical Exercises on Stress and Blood Pressure among Adults with Hypertension Nanchiyampalayam, Dharapuram. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(1): 04-08. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00002.6   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652 

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