Author(s): Kiruba Gnana Chitra. J


DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2023.00007   

Address: Kiruba Gnana Chitra. J
Department of Midwifery and Obsterical Nursing, Bishop’s College of Nursing, Dharapuram, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2023

Background: Natural childbirth is a beautiful experience. Women dream of the perfect birth with less pain. But severe pain is a phenomenon embedded in the very nature of human existence. Though experiencing pain during labour is a universal feature of childbirth, the degree of pain perception can be reduced using many simple, effective, low cost non-pharmacological methods which also helps in improving labour progress and patient satisfaction. The concept of painless child birth gave rise to many scientific discoveries and research findings. Among that Lamaze method is one, which prepares mother for child birth and to tackle Labour pain. Objective: The objective of this study are to evaluate the effectiveness of Lamaze method in terms of pain perception, anxiety and progress of labour among primi mothers in first stage of labour admitted at Christian fellowship Hospital, Oddanchatram. Method: The research design used for the study was quasi experimental nonequivalent control group posttest only design. The sample size was 60 samples. Out of which 30 were in experimental group and 30 were in control group. The Samples were selected by using Non probability purposive sampling technique. Primi mothers at their term was selected and was given antenatal teaching on “Normal labor process and non-pharmacological labour pain management” in antenatal OPD for about 30 minutes. The same primi mothers who attended teaching were selected for experimental group during their labour period. During the first hour of active first stage of labour Lamaze intervention of visual stimuli was provided by showing natural sceneries during each contraction for the second hour auditory stimuli was provided by making the mother to listen to light music by using ear phone. During the 3rd hour of active first stage of labour abdominal effleurage stroke was done during each painful contractions. Followed by that hot water bag application on the sacral region was provided and was continued till delivery. Primi gravid mothers who did not undergo Lamaze teaching and interventions were selected for control group. Posttest was done on both experimental and control group after four hours of active stage of labor to assess the level of labor pain perception, the level of anxiety and progress of labor by using Universal pain assessment scale, modified Max Hamilton anxiety rating scale and Labor progress assessment scale. The level of satisfaction on Lamaze method among experimental group was assessed by using Likert scale on satisfaction of Lamaze method. Total time taken to perform posttest in both groups was 30 minutes. The gathered data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results: Independent “t” value for level of pain perception was 16.08(table value=2.001) which was significant at P<0.05 level. The independent “t” value for level of anxiety was 5.08(table value=2.001) which was significant at P<0.05 level. The independent “t” value for progress of labour was 9.86 (table value=2.001) which was significant at P<0.05 level. Regarding the level of satisfaction on Lamaze method of experimental group all 30(100%) primi mothers were adequately satisfied. There was no significant association existing between pain perception, anxiety and progress of labour with demographic variables such as age, education, occupation, monthly income and residence except for pain perception and demographic variables such as religion (?2 = 45.44) and family type (?2 = 4.33) among experimental group. The study findings revealed that Lamaze method was effective in reducing labor pain perception, anxiety and promote labour progress among primi mothers in active first stage of labour.

Cite this article:
Kiruba Gnana Chitra. J. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Lamaze Method in terms of Labour Pain Perception, Anxiety and Progress of Labour among Primi Mothers in active first stage of Labour. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2023; 11(1):31-5. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2023.00007

Kiruba Gnana Chitra. J. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Lamaze Method in terms of Labour Pain Perception, Anxiety and Progress of Labour among Primi Mothers in active first stage of Labour. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2023; 11(1):31-5. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2023.00007   Available on:

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