Author(s): Elsamol Francis, Fima Steephan, Gency George, Gifna Inasu, Sneha Antony, Sowmya C Philip, Twinkle Joseph P, Vismaya K V, Chinju Raj, Dhanya CHF, Angela Gnanadurai

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DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00007   

Address: Elsamol Francis¹*, Fima Steephan1, Gency George1, Gifna Inasu1, Sneha Antony1, Sowmya C Philip1, Twinkle Joseph P1, Vismaya K V1, Chinju Raj2*, Dhanya CHF3, Angela Gnanadurai 4
1Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing, Students, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
2Asst.Professor, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
3Associate Professor, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
4 Professor, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 10,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2022

Introduction: In a developing nation like India, the children serve as the true backup for the growth of the country. Many of the children residing at home with their parents but another large group of children live in orphanages. There is a great difference in the mental health among these two group of children, and it will help to assess the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and orphanage. Objectives: To assess the strength and difficulties among the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To compare the strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage. To find the association between scores of strength and difficulties of the school going girls residing at home and orphanage with selected socio-demographic and clinical variables. Research Methodology: Quantitative research approach was used to assess and compare the strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and selected orphanage at Thrissur. Non experimental descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The study was conducted among 60 samples, 30 school going girls residing at home from St. Sebastian Convent girls high school and 30 from Rehoboth Orphanage Thrissur. (Between the age group 12 to 14) Samples were selected by nonprobability convenient sampling. The tool has two section, section A and B Socio demographic section and strength and difficulty questionnaire by Robert N Goodman respectively. Result: The data was analysed and association was calculated using chisquare and anova test. It shows that there were significant increase (P=0.004) in difficulty among girls from orphanage compared to girls from home. There was significant association of strength with age (p=0.014) among school going girls from home.

Cite this article:
Elsamol Francis, Fima Steephan, Gency George, Gifna Inasu, Sneha Antony, Sowmya C Philip, Twinkle Joseph P, Vismaya K V, Chinju Raj, Dhanya CHF, Angela Gnanadurai. A Comparative Study to assess the Strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and selected Orphanage at Thrissur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(1):29-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00007

Elsamol Francis, Fima Steephan, Gency George, Gifna Inasu, Sneha Antony, Sowmya C Philip, Twinkle Joseph P, Vismaya K V, Chinju Raj, Dhanya CHF, Angela Gnanadurai. A Comparative Study to assess the Strength and difficulties among school going girls residing at home and selected Orphanage at Thrissur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2022; 10(1):29-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2022.00007   Available on:

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