Author(s): Ann Mariya P.R, Delna Mary George, Elsamol Francis, Thasni R.A, Twinkle Joseph, Seeja Jacob, Angela Gnanadurai

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DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00066   

Address: Ann Mariya P.R1, Delna Mary George1, Elsamol Francis1, Thasni R.A1, Twinkle Joseph1, Mrs. Seeja Jacob2*, Dr. Angela Gnanadurai3
1Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing, Students, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
2Asst. Professor, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
3Professor, Jubilee Mission College of Nursing, Kachery, Thrissur.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 9,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2021

To assess the fall of risk among the elderly in selected urban area of Thrissur. Objectives a) To assess the fall risk among the elderly people in selected urban area of Kachery, Thrissur. b) To associate fall risk score with selected demographic variables. c) To correlate fall risk assessment questionnaire score and modified fall prevention checklist for personal risk factors score among elderly individuals. d) To teach the elderly people about fall prevention exercise. Methodology: Non-experimental descriptive research design is adopted in this study. We selected 60 samples through random sampling technique. Standardized fall risk assessment questionnaire built by national aging research institute and modified fall prevention checklist for personal risk factors built by Hamilton county was used to collect the data. Tool was administered by interview method for assessing fall risk. Fall preventive intervention module developed, validated and administered following data collection. The data collected were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: The demographic profile of elderly people shows that 46.66% belongs to age group between 60-70 years and most of them 58.33% were females. The majority 73.33% of elderly person are at low risk for fall and 26.66% are at high risk for fall in questionnaire and 81.67% of elderly are low risk for fall, 18.33% are risk and there is no elderly person high risk for fall in checklist. The overall fall risk is high among elderly individual alone in home and low in elderly in nuclear families. The risk for fall among elderly based on previous history of fall shows that elderly with visual impairment those who don’t have previous knowledge about fall prevention and elderly age between 91-100 is high risk for fall. The risk for fall based on ability to perform ADL in elderly shows those who living alone in the home high risk for fall. There is significant association between score with selected variables like age, previous knowledge about fall prevention, elderly residing in their home alone. We found that there is perfect positive correlation r=1 between fall risk assessment, questionnaires and checklist score. Discussion: At the end of the study the investigator found that the risk for fall based on the assessment of fall history among elderly people shows that, there is significant association between age (p=0.0273) that is, age group between 91-100 years are high risk for fall. Previous knowledge about fall prevention shows that, elderly without previous knowledge about fall prevention is at high risk for fall (p= 0.03074). In sensory impairment that is, elderly having visual impairment (p=0.998) having risk for fall. The risk for fall among elderly people based on their ability to perform activities of daily living shows that, elderly residing in their home alone shows more risk for fall.

Cite this article:
Ann Mariya P.R, Delna Mary George, Elsamol Francis, Thasni R.A, Twinkle Joseph, Seeja Jacob, Angela Gnanadurai. To Assess the Fall Risk among the Elderly in selected Urban Area Kachery, Thrissur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(3):295-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00066

Ann Mariya P.R, Delna Mary George, Elsamol Francis, Thasni R.A, Twinkle Joseph, Seeja Jacob, Angela Gnanadurai. To Assess the Fall Risk among the Elderly in selected Urban Area Kachery, Thrissur. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(3):295-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00066   Available on:

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