Author(s): Yashoda Shrivastava, Sapna Verma


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00059.3   

Address: Mrs. Yashoda Shrivastava1*, Mrs. Sapna Verma2
1Associate Professor. HOD, OBG Department, Jabalpur Institute of Health Sciences, Jabalpur (M.P.)
2M.Sc.. Nursing Student Saims College of Nursing, Indore
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 7,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2019

Background: Pregnancy is a normal physiologic event. Pregnancy is a time of joy and celebrations, a time of congratulations, good wishes. The prenatal period is a time of physical and psychological preparation of birth and parenthood. Prenatal health supervision permit the diagnosis and treatment of pre-existing maternal disorder or disorder that may develop during pregnancy in India most of the mothers have poor knowledge about antenatal and intranatal care available to them. Illiteracy, poverty and lack of communication and transportation facility make them vulnerable to serious consequences, even though they are prominent care providers with the family the fundamental right of health is denied to them in most part of the world. Methods: An evaluator approach was used for the study and 60 primigravida who were selected by non- probability convenient sampling technique were provided with self structured planned teaching programme to improve their knowledge about warning sign and its management. Results: For testing the knowledge level of the primigravida mothers, a self structured questionnaire was prepared consisting of questions to assess the knowledge of the mother about the warning signs and its management. Each correct answer carries one mark. So based upon the score, the grading were categorize as 0-7(poor); 8-13 (average) and 14-20 (good). The pre test knowledge score obtained by the patient is:- Majority of samples i.e. 36 out of 60 falls under poor knowledge, 16 (26.7%) were had average knowledge and 8 were in the category of good knowledge. After administering the planned teaching programme, there shows a tremendous improvement in the knowledge level, the result was 48 out of 60 sample were having good score, 12 (20%) were had average and none were in the poor category. It was found out that the education nutritious status, socio-demographic variables found to be significant. And rest of the socio-demographic variables such as, age, family income, type of family, and occupation and previous knowledge found to be insignificant at the level of p>0.05. Conclusion: The level of knowledge related to warning sign and its management during first trimester among primigravida mothers was observed under this study in relation to demographic variables. It is found out that large number of people doesn’t had enough knowledge during common complications, so there is need for the same in order to conduct a safe delivery. So this planned teaching programme act as a effective tool in imparting knowledge.

Cite this article:
Yashoda Shrivastava, Sapna Verma. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding warning sign and its management during first trimester among primigravida mothers in selected OPD of Indore. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3): 258-260. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00059.3

Yashoda Shrivastava, Sapna Verma. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding warning sign and its management during first trimester among primigravida mothers in selected OPD of Indore. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3): 258-260. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00059.3   Available on:

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