Author(s): Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Mukesh Chaudhari


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00054.4   

Address: Dr. Dayalal Patidar1, Mr. Kaushal Patidar2, Mr. Mukesh Chaudhari3
1Pincipal, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana
2HOD, Medical Surgical Department, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana
3Second Year M.SC. Nursing Student, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 7,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2019

Background: Diabetes Mellitus is chronic systematic disease characterized by either deficiency of insulin or decease ability of the body to use insulin. Diabetes Mellitus is sometimes referred as “High sugar” by both clients and health care provider. Aims and Objective: To assess the knowledge regarding Prevention of diabetic Retinopathy among the diabetic mellitus patients, To assess the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on knowledge regarding prevention of diabetic retinopathy among the diabetes mellitus patients, To find the association of the knowledge with their selected demographic variables. Methods- a quantitative approach using pre experimental one group pre test –post test design. 60 patients were selected using non probability convenience sampling in various hospital. Planned teaching programme was given. Self structure questionnaire will prepare and used to assess the knowledge. Results In this study overall the highest percentage in the demographic data including the Age group 31.66% (61-65y), Gender 95% (Male), marital status 83.33% (married), types of family 75% (joint), Education status 55% (other), occupation 43.66 % (other) monthly income 53.33% (above 15000),types of diet (66.66%) vegetarian , and since how long you are diabetic 75% (less than 4 year)and family history of diabetic mellitus (83.33%) YES. During Pre-test, only 18 (30%) of workers had Poor level (0-10 score) of knowledge on prevention of diabetic retinopathy, 42 (70%) of patients had average (11-20 score) level of knowledge on prevention of diabetic retinopathy and no one had good knowledge (21-30) on prevention of diabetic retinopathy. During Post-test, No one of workers had Poor level (0-10 score) of knowledge on prevention of diabetic retinopathy .35(58.33%) of patients had average (11-20 score) level of knowledge on prevention of diabetic retinopathy and 25(41.66%) had good knowledge (21-30) on prevention of diabetic retinopathy. During pre-test, the mean score of level of knowledge was 10.33and the standard deviation was 1.9096. During post-test, the mean score of level of knowledge was 16.9and the standard deviation was 1.6492. The obtained‘t’ value for level of knowledge was20.27which is significant at p<0.05 level. Thus, it rejects the null hypothesis (H01) and accepts the research hypothesis (H1).

Cite this article:
Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Mukesh Chaudhari. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3): 237-239. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00054.4

Dayalal Patidar, Kaushal Patidar, Mukesh Chaudhari. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2019; 7(3): 237-239. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2019.00054.4   Available on:

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