Author(s): Shrishail S.Gouri, Bernice Margaret


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00025.7   

Address: Mr. Shrishail S.Gouri1, Mrs Bernice Margaret2
1Associated Professor, HOD of Community Health Nursing, MES College of Nursing, Ghanekunte, Lote, Maharashtra.
2Principal of NDRK College of Nursing, Hassan. Karnataka.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 5,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2017

The research approach adopted for this study was an evaluative and educative approach. The research design adopted for this study was a True-experimental design for assessing the knowledge of school boys regarding the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention. The stratified random sampling technique was utilized for the selection of the school boys. 100 school boys were selected for the study, among them 50 experimental groups and 50 control groups by using the lottery method. Data was collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire on the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention. The results of the study find that pre-test percentage on knowledge of the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention and knowledge score in the experimental group was 1.87(12.60%) of the school boys. Percentage of post-test knowledge on the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention includes knowledge score in the experimental group which is 1.54 (22.70%) of the school boys. Hence comparison in pre-test and post-test percentage of the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention in the knowledge score of the experimental group of the school boys is approximately 10.1% of difference during assessment. The overall mean post-test knowledge score of the school boys in the experimental group was significantly higher than the pre-test knowledge score of the school boys. The paired student‘t’ test value was 33.90 which is significant at p=0.001 level. In the Control group was 1.87(12.60%) of the school boys. Percentage of post-test knowledge on the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention includes knowledge score In the Control group. Which is 1.71 (13%) of the school boys. Hence comparison in pre-test and post-test percentage of the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention in the knowledge score of the control group of the school boys is approximately 0.4% of difference during assessment. The overall mean post-test knowledge score of the school boys in the control group was slightly higher than the pre-test knowledge score of the school boys. The chi-square test shows that there was significant association between post-test knowledge score in the experimental group and control group between Classes, residence, type of family, educational status of the father, smokers in the family and habit of smoking of the school boys. A study concluded that the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention is an evaluative approach. Overall pre-test percentage of knowledge in experimental group was 12.60% and in control group it was 12.60%. Post-test knowledge score in experimental group was 22.70% and in control group it was 13%. Comparison of overall knowledge score between pre-test and post-test shows, there is a significant difference between before structured teaching programme and after structured teaching programme regarding the selected hazards of smoking and its prevention..

Cite this article:
Shrishail S.Gouri, Bernice Margaret. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Students Regarding the selected hazards of smoking and its Prevention in selected schools at K. R. Puram, in Hassan District, Karnataka. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(2):112-118. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00025.7

Shrishail S.Gouri, Bernice Margaret. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Students Regarding the selected hazards of smoking and its Prevention in selected schools at K. R. Puram, in Hassan District, Karnataka. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(2):112-118. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00025.7   Available on:

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