Author(s): Annu Patel, Manjulata Kanwar, Premarani Rana, Sapna Thakur, Smita Jha


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2016.00060.3   

Address: Ms. Annu Patel1, Ms. Manjulata Kanwar1, Ms. Premarani Rana1, Mrs. SapnaThakur2, Mrs. Smita Jha3
1Students of Basic B.SC. Nursing 4th Year, Government College of Nursing, Jagdalpur, Bastar, C.G.
2Principal, Government College of Nursing, Jagdalpur, Bastar, C.G.
3H.O.D. of Nursing Research, Government College of Nursing, Jagdalpur, Bastar, C.G.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 4,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2016

BACK GROUND OF STUDY: Hand Hygiene is the single most effective way to prevent nosocomial infections with correct timing and technique. The centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated: “It is well documented that one of the most important measures for preventing the spread of pathogens is effective hand washing. Dirty hands can lead to a sick patient even if the doctor of nurse touches only a bed rail or a chair in the room, said Rosalie Weak land, director of quality improvement for the association. Effective timing of hand washing with soap and water are depends upon institution protocol. The goal of the study is to analysis the effective timing of hand washing with soap and water among following timing, According to NACO Guideline effective timings is 20 sec, In 20 central Ohio hospital council, is 15 sec, and In Trained nurses association of India; fundamental of nursing a procedure Manual suggested 10 seconds of vigorous. METHODOLOGY: Evaluative research approach and quasi experimental research design. Conveniently 75 Samples of Government Hospital, Jagdalpur, were divided into three Experimental groups I, II and III. Observed hand washing for Group I- 10 seconds, Group II - 15 seconds and Group III- 20 Seconds. Each group was consisting of 25 student’s sample. Samples were trained, by the researcher, for six steps of hand washing. After proper training of hand washing, students were instructed to do the bed making of patients. Culture swabs were taken with strict sterile technique in different areas of hands especially between fingers just after bed making. Growths of micro-organisms were analyzed by using Descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULT: frequency, percentage t test and f test were calculated. The mean of experimental group I is 8.64, experimental group II is 7.52, and experimental group III is 8.2 calculated, t value were t24=12, t24=9.4 and t24=10.6 for group E1, E2 and E3 respectively which is higher than the Table value at the df 24 and 0.05 level is 1.711. Hence null hypothesis is rejected. It means that all timing of hand washing is significantly effective in reducing the growth of germs. at the df 24 and 0.05 level is 1.711, and f test shows there is no significant difference in timing of hand washing with soap and water in reduction of germs. CONCLUSION: All timing of hand washing with soap and water that is 10 seconds, 15 seconds and 20 seconds are equally effective in reduction of germs. It is recommended that as per the time feasibility of health workers, anyone effective timing of hand washing, can be performed before and after each procedure.

Cite this article:
Annu Patel, Manjulata Kanwar, Premarani Rana, Sapna Thakur, Smita Jha. Effectiveness of Timing for Hand Washing With Soap and Water in Reducing the Germs among Nursing Students in Selected Hospital at Jagdalpur, Bastar C.G. 2015. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2016; 4(3): 273-276. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2016.00060.3

Annu Patel, Manjulata Kanwar, Premarani Rana, Sapna Thakur, Smita Jha. Effectiveness of Timing for Hand Washing With Soap and Water in Reducing the Germs among Nursing Students in Selected Hospital at Jagdalpur, Bastar C.G. 2015. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2016; 4(3): 273-276. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2016.00060.3   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652 

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