Navjot Kaur, Lalita Kumari, S. Nilavansa Begum
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Ms. Navjot Kaur1, Ms. Lalita Kumari2, Ms. S. Nilavansa Begum3
1M.Sc (N) Student, Department of Child Health Nursing , S.G.L. Nursing College, Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab.
2Professor, Department of Maternal and Child Health Nursing , S.G.L. Nursing College, Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab
3Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, S.G.L. Nursing College, Semi, Jalandhar, Punjab
*Corresponding Author’s
Published In:
Volume - 3,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2015
Foreign body ingestion/aspiration is the fourth leading cause of injury hospitalizations and deaths in children younger than four years of age. Incidence peaks at nine to 11 months of age, declining thereafter. The majority of choking and suffocation deaths occur in the first year of life, with the majority of hospitalizations occurring in the first three years. Quasi Experimental (Non-equivalent pre- test and post- test control group) research design was used in the study. The sample size was 60 mothers of toddler’s i.e 30 in experimental group and 30 in control group and was selected from selected villages of Jalandhar, Punjab using Convenience sampling technique. The Pre test mean knowledge score of experimental group was 15.63 and Post test mean knowledge score was 25.80. The Pre test mean knowledge score of control group was 17.10 and Post test mean knowledge score was 17.07. The difference of pre-test post-test mean knowledge score of mothers of toddlers in control group was statistically not significant whereas it was statistically significant in experimental group. The tcal 0.571< ttab 1.96 in control group whereas in experimental group tcal 19.431 > ttab 1.96. So the difference of post-test mean knowledge score of experimental group was statistically significant at p<0.05 level. Hence, it was concluded that lecture cum demonstration was useful in providing knowledge regarding Foreign Body ingestion.
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Navjot Kaur, Lalita Kumari, S. Nilavansa Begum. A Quasi Experimental Study to assess the effect of Lecture cum Demonstration on Knowledge regarding Home Maneuvers for Foreign Body ingestion among mothers of Toddlers in selected villages of Jalandhar, Punjab 2015. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2015; Page 315-318.
Navjot Kaur, Lalita Kumari, S. Nilavansa Begum. A Quasi Experimental Study to assess the effect of Lecture cum Demonstration on Knowledge regarding Home Maneuvers for Foreign Body ingestion among mothers of Toddlers in selected villages of Jalandhar, Punjab 2015. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(4): Oct. - Dec. 2015; Page 315-318. Available on: