Prathima. P, S. Anuchitra
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Ms. Prathima. P1*, Dr. Mrs. S. Anuchitra2
1HOD, OBG Department, Universal College of Nursing, IIMB Post, Arekere Micolayout Bennarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 76
2Vice –Principal and HOD OBG Department, P.D Bharatesh College of Nursing, Belgaum, Karnataka -590020
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 2,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2014
Title: Compliance on antenatal care advices among Antenatal Mothers with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in selected Hospital Bangalore.
Objectives: To assess and associate compliance on antenatal care among Antenatal mothers with pregnancy Induced hypertension.
Method: A non experimental descriptive design was utilized among 50 antenatal mothers who were diagnosed as Pregnancy induced hypertension during their antenatal period selected as samples by using purposive sampling technique. Demographic data and compliance were collected by interview method by using checklist.
Results: Data were analysed by using SPSS and MS excel. This study represents that 74% of samples were Non compliant, 26% of them were partially compliant. None of the samples were Compliant to the antenatal care advices. Regarding to area wise compliance: diet 4% were partially compliant, 66% of the samples was partially compliant with medication. 46% of the samples were compliant towards physical activity and only 2% of them were partially compliant on monitoring of maternal and fetal wellbeing. There was no Association between demographic variables and compliance
Conclusion: Health maintenance is an important aspect of prenatal care. Participation of the mother in the care ensures the prompt reporting of the possible problems. In order to reduce the increasing maternal mortality rates, women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy should be inform of their disease, satisfactory medical information, the importance of compliant to the antenatal care advices, and the consequences of the pregnancy to the mother and baby if she does not compliant, also should be provided by their health care providers.
Cite this article:
Prathima. P, S. Anuchitra. Compliance on Antenatal Care advices Among Antenatal Mothers with Pregnancy induced Hypertension in selected Hospital Bangalore. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 2(4): Oct. - Dec., 2014; Page 196-199.
Prathima. P, S. Anuchitra. Compliance on Antenatal Care advices Among Antenatal Mothers with Pregnancy induced Hypertension in selected Hospital Bangalore. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 2(4): Oct. - Dec., 2014; Page 196-199. Available on: