A descriptive study was carried out for the purpose to investigate the level of stress and coping and to determine the relationship between stress and various coping mechanism among infertile women in selected two infertility clinic to find out the variables and their significance that may be related to study including (age, educational level, occupation, duration of infertility, …ect). The study sample consisted of 200 infertile women who were diagnosed as infertile and who were visiting infertility clinic during the data collection and met the inclusion criteria for the study. Self-developed likert scale for assessing the level of stress and coping in infertile women In this study, we used inferential and Descriptive Statistics, mean, standard deviation and mean percentage ,Correlation Coefficient Pearson, anova and unpaired t test were used in the study, the results showed that there is a moderately positive relationship between infertility related stress and coping mechanism, 47.21% was the total stress in total population, 40% have mild stress, 49.50% have moderate stress and 10.5% have severe stress. 53% have moderate coping 24% have inadequate coping 23% have adequate coping. The findings of the current study found that there is statistical significances at p>0.05. The study found significant association in age and year of infertility with stress calculated value was greater than tabulated value at p>0.05 type of family,income,substance use and exposure to stress reduction therapy have no association because the calculated value is less than tabulated value at p>0.05 and no significance in occupation, education and income per month. type of family, substance use, exposure to stress reduction technique, income with coping at p>0.05. Psychological aspect of infertility should be given more attention, and be considered in all stages of treatment and medical interventions to decrease the psychological suffering of the infertile women and to prevent developing of the psychological disorder.
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Smita. A Study to Assess the level of Stress and Adapted coping mechanism among Infertile women at selected Infertility clinic, Dehradun Uttrakhand In a view of developing an information booklet. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(3):264-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00060
Smita. A Study to Assess the level of Stress and Adapted coping mechanism among Infertile women at selected Infertility clinic, Dehradun Uttrakhand In a view of developing an information booklet. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(3):264-8. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00060 Available on: https://ijanm.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-9-3-8