Author(s): R. Nalini, Jissy Jocob


DOI: Not Available

Address: Prof. Mrs. R. Nalini1*, Ms. Jissy Jocob2
1Principal, Kamala College of Nursing, Salem, Tamilnadu
2 Doing Masters in Addiction Studies, Dublin Business School, Dublin, Ireland
*Corresponding Author’s

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2015

Background of the study: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms linked to the menstrual cycle. PMS occurs one to two weeks menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome is most prevalent among adolescents. Alternative therapies such as reflexology, yoga, acupressure etc were the management option for premenstrual syndrome. Reflexology is a natural healing therapy which is highly effective in dealing with many health complaints especially PMS1. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of reflexology on premenstrual syndrome among students in selected nursing colleges, Mangalore. Method: A quantitative research approach with non equivalent control group pre-test post test design (quasi experimental) was used for this study. Thirty students who had moderate and severe premenstrual syndrome were selected by purposive sampling technique (fifteen students in the experimental group and fifteen students in the control group). Reflexology is given to experimental group students on the fourth day of their menstruation and continued for 24 days twice daily. Data was collected by using demographic proforma and PMS rating scale. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:. The premenstrual syndrome score was measured among students by using premenstrual syndrome rating scale. In the experimental group the mean pre test score was (28.33 5.34) and post test score was (5.67 2.79). In control group pre test score was (27.53 5.91) and it was the same during the post test. Paired’t’ test was used for computing the effectiveness of reflexology on PMS in the experimental group. The mean post test score (5.67 2.79) was lower than the pre test score (28.33 5.34) of premenstrual syndrome. The computed‘t’ value (‘t’=16.20) was higher than the table value (t28= 1.76; p<0.05). This indicated that reflexology is effective in reducing premenstrual syndrome. Independent‘t’ test was used to determine the effectiveness of post test premenstrual syndrome score in the experimental and the control group. The computed‘t’ value was (t=12.95) greater than the table value (t28=1.70, P<0.05). This represents that reflexology is effective in reducing premenstrual syndrome. Chi square test was used to test the significant association between pre test PMS score with selected demographic variables. The test revealed that there was no association between pre test PMS score and selected demographic variables. Conclusion: The study concludes that reflexology is effective in reducing the premenstrual syndrome. The result of the study showed that regular practice of reflexology would be beneficial in reducing the premenstrual syndrome.

Cite this article:
R. Nalini, Jissy Jocob. Effectiveness of reflexology on premenstrual syndrome among students. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(2): April- June, 2015; Page 139-144.

R. Nalini, Jissy Jocob. Effectiveness of reflexology on premenstrual syndrome among students. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management 3(2): April- June, 2015; Page 139-144.   Available on:

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RNI: Not Available                     
DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652 

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