Radha. K, N. Vijayanarayanan, Sri Devi. K, Sharat. V. Kondaguli
Radha. K1*, N. Vijayanarayanan2, Sri Devi. K3, Sharat. V. Kondaguli1
1Bhopal Nursing College, Under ICMR, MOH and FW, Govt of India. BMHRC, Bhopal, MP State, India.
2Professor, R.D. Memorial College of Nursing, Bhopal, MP State, India.
3Lecturer, Omaskthi college of Nursing, Dharmapauri, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 9,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2021
Nursing training is a combination of both theoretical and practical learning experiences that enable nursing students to acquire the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components for providing nursing care. World Health Day, an annual event organized by WHO, stated that this year is focused on supporting nurses and midwives, many of whom are serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. Globally, COVID-19 has huge impact on academic delivery and adds a further degree of complexity to nursing education due to temporary lock down because most countries have suspended face-to-face teaching/physical class room teaching. Thus, they had to find new alternatives to academic delivery, and virtual classes/on-line mode were the ways forward. In present search, it has attempted to explore the impact of covid-19, challenges and opportunities in nursing education which influences the different aspects of academic activity. It has accelerate the academic delivery by using variety of online platforms and learning management system such as Google class room, Google meet, Google hangout, Zoom meetings, Microsoft team, Cisco webex meeting, go to webinar, you tube streaming, Google duo, college website, social media platforms such as face book groups, whatsApp, telegram etc. Covid-19 has provided a lot challenges and opportunities to learner, educator, university, organization, and evaluation system and research activities. The lesson learned from covid-19 is converting those challenges into opportunities by learning and adopting with advanced technology in teaching-learning; blended learning; team work; promoting for trans/ inter/ multidisciplinary collaborative education; integrating innovative method of teaching, sharing and facilitating right kind of information, are enhancing ways of quality of education during crisis (lock down) situation and further new-normal situation.
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Radha. K, N. Vijayanarayanan, Sri Devi. K, Sharat. V. Kondaguli. Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities in Nursing Education – A Review. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(4):417-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00096
Radha. K, N. Vijayanarayanan, Sri Devi. K, Sharat. V. Kondaguli. Lesson Learned During Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact, Challenges and Opportunities in Nursing Education – A Review. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2021; 9(4):417-2. doi: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00096 Available on:
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