Amandeep Kaur, Pardeep Kaur
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Ms. Amandeep Kaur1, Mrs. Pardeep Kaur2
1Lecturer, Institute of Nursing Education, GTBS (C) Hospital, Ludhiana
2Assistant Professor, Institute of Nursing Education, GTBS (C) Hospital, Ludhiana
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 6,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2018
A quasi-experimental study with single group pretest-posttest design was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Biomedical Waste Management among the staff nurses of the selected hospitals of Ludhiana, Punjab. A total of 50 staff nurses were chosen as study subjects. Self Instructional Module on Biomedical Waste Management was developed. Based on Self Instructional Module, a questionnaire was framed to assess the pretest-posttest knowledge scores of study subjects’. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used for data analysis. Mean posttest knowledge scores (26.70) of subjects after administration of Self Instructional Module was found to be significantly (p<0.01) higher than their mean pretest knowledge score (17.52). In pretest, majority 26 (52%) of subjects secured average knowledge scores followed by 17 (34%) who were having good knowledge scores and 5 (10%) subjects who had poor knowledge scores. Only 2 (4%) subjects had very good knowledge scores. After administration of Self Instructional Module, the level of knowledge scores of study subjects increased as the result of posttest shows 36 (72%) achieved very good level of knowledge score followed by 14 (28%) who attained good level of knowledge score. None of the subjects were found to be having average, poor or very poor level of knowledge scores. Findings suggest that there was no statistically significant (p>0.05) association between posttest knowledge scores of subjects on Biomedical Waste Management and their age, gender, educational qualification and clinical experience. Hence, administration of Self Instructional Module on Biomedical Waste Management was very effective on staff nurses.
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Amandeep Kaur, Pardeep Kaur. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Biomedical Waste Management among the Staff Nurses of the selected Hospitals of Ludhiana, Punjab.Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(1): 62-66. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00014.8
Amandeep Kaur, Pardeep Kaur. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Biomedical Waste Management among the Staff Nurses of the selected Hospitals of Ludhiana, Punjab.Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2018; 6(1): 62-66. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2018.00014.8 Available on: