Author(s): Ms Shubhangi Gaikwad, Supriya Chinchpure


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00043.9   

Address: Ms Shubhangi Gaikwad1, Ms Supriya Chinchpure2
1M.Sc Student Sadhu Vaswani College of Nursing, Pune Maharashtra
2Lecturer, Sadhu Vaswani college of Nursing, Pune Maharashtra
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 5,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2017

Introduction: Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy begins between the fourth and seventh week after the last menstrual period in 80 percent of pregnant women and resolves by the 20th week of gestation in all but 10 percent of these women may have the complains beyond 20 weeks of their gestation. The condition has been shown to be more common in urban women than in rural women. However, morning sickness can last even longer. A study of pregnant women conducted in USA showed that about 9% still suffered from morning sickness after 20 weeks. For some, morning sickness symptoms last throughout the entire pregnancy. Can Gürkan et al O (2008) conducted a cohort study to assess the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy in which the treatment group comprised 26 women; and 25 in the control arm. The study occurred over a 6-day period. During this time, the treatment group applied acupressure bands to P (6) acupressure point on days 4-6 of the study. The study revealed that acupressure would appear to be effective in symptom control, and in reducing the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. This study will help in giving the empirical evidence of the morning sickness reduction among the antenatal mothers by using acupressure. This study will also help the antenatal mothers to use the acupressure therapy for relief of morning sickness as a non- pharmacological self- help. OBJECTIVES: • To assess the morning sickness among the mothers of experimental group and control group. • To assess the effectiveness of acupressure on morning sickness among the antenatal mothers of experimental group. • To compare the morning sickness among the mothers of experimental and control groups before and after the intervention. • To associate the morning sickness between primi and multi parity mothers of experimental group. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The approach for the study is experimental approach; it was a quantitative study a randomized control group design was used. The population comprises of antenatal mothers within 20 weeks of gestation with morning sickness of selected communities. Inclusion criteria included antenatal mothers within 20weeks of gestation, suffering from morning sickness and who are willing to participate. The sample size was 40, 20 in each group. The sampling technique was simple random sampling which was randomized by lottery method. Investigator used a modified Rhodes index rating scale as a research tool to measure the morning sickness. The pilot study was conducted to assess feasibility and to decide the plan for statistical analysis. Prior permission from the administration department and bachat gat (group) head was taken. Test has been conducted on 12 samples 6 in each group. Samples have been selected using purposive sampling technique in which randomization was done by lottery method. Reliability was measured using crohnbach alfha (split half method) and it was 0.8. the findings were reliable, main study was found to be feasible for conduction, based on the findings of pilot study. Validity of the prepared tool was done by 10 experts. The researcher has collected the demographic data, taken pre test, given intervention and again taken done post test during this period. The collected data has been organized, tabulated and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, i.e percentage, mean and standard deviation whereas Man Whitney “U” test have been used to analyze the comparison between the two groups. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: Findings related to assessment of morning sickness in experimental and control group; In experimental group majority, 80% of the subjects were having moderate morning sickness, 15% of the subjects were having severe morning sickness and 5% of the subjects were having mild morning sickness. In control group70% of the subjects were having moderate morning sickness, 15% of the subjects were having severe morning sickness and 15% of the subjects were having mild morning sickness. Findings related to morning sickness score before and after acupressure: Before acupressure, average sickness score of antenatal mothers was 12.35 which decreased to 9.05 after the acupressure. “Z” test was used to compare the morning sickness among the antenatal mothers before and after acupressure. Since all the p values are small (less than 0.0001), the null hypothesis is rejected. The morning sickness score of antenatal mothers was reduced significantly after acupressure; hence acupressure is effective in reducing morning sickness of antenatal mothers. Findings related to comparison of morning sickness score in experimental and control group mothers before and after acupressure: Man Whitney “U” test was used to compare morning sickness score among the antenatal mothers of experimental and control group before and after acupressure. The mean score of morning sickness was almost same in both the groups before acupressure, whereas the sickness score decreased among the antenatal mothers of experimental group after acupressure as compared to the sickness score among the antenatal mothers of control group. The morning sickness score of antenatal mothers in experimental group was significantly lower than the morning sickness score of antenatal mothers in control group. Hence, acupressure is significantly effective in reducing the morning sickness among the antenatal mothers. Findings related to association of morning sickness score with parity of mothers in experimental group: Man Whitney “U” test was used to compare the sickness score among the primi and multi mothers of experimental group before and after acupressure. The mean score of morning sickness was almost same in both primi as well as in multi mothers before and after acupressure. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant relation between morning sickness and parity. CONCLUSION: The finding of present study is that acupressure is effective in reducing the morning sickness among the antenatal mothers.

Cite this article:
Ms Shubhangi Gaikwad, Supriya Chinchpure. An Experimental Study to assess the Effectiveness of Acupressure on Morning Sickness among the Antenatal Mothers. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(3):195-205. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00043.9

Ms Shubhangi Gaikwad, Supriya Chinchpure. An Experimental Study to assess the Effectiveness of Acupressure on Morning Sickness among the Antenatal Mothers. Int. J. Adv. Nur. Management. 2017; 5(3):195-205. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2017.00043.9   Available on:

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DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652 

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