Author(s): Veena Rajput, Indu Jaiswal


DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.2021.00020.2   

Address: Veena Rajput1, Ms. Indu Jaiswal2
1Professor and Vice Principal and HOD of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, Shri Shankaracharya College of Nursing, Amdi Nagar, Hudco, Bhilai (C.G.), Chhattisgarh 490009, India
2M.Sc. Nsg (Obs and Gynae), Shri Shankaracharya College of Nursing, Amdi Nagar, Hudco, Bhilai (C.G.), Chhattisgarh 490009, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 9,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2021

Introduction: The majority of women become pregnant at least once during the journey of their lives1. Nearly 80% of pregnant women express worries and fears in relation to their pregnancy or upcoming childbirth 19 Patients’ demand for an elective c-section to avoid labour pain.2 Specific movements that is pelvic rocking can be used to reduce labour pain.3 The main objective of this study was to assess effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding non pharmacological measure (Rocking chair) for progress of 1st stage of labour in primigravida women among nursing students. Material and methods: Pre-experimental, one group pre-test post-test research design was adopted. A total of 60 samples were selected using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The tool used for the study comprises of two sections. Section A-Socio-demographic variables such as Age, Gender, Residence, Previous knowledge on related topic and main source of information. Section B- comprises of self-structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge of non-pharmacological measures (Rocking chair) for progress of 1st stage of labour which includes 30 questions. Result: The study findings reveled that pre- test score of the majority of students 36 (60%) had average knowledge score whereas 24 (40%) need for improvement in their knowledge level, post-test majority 33 (55%) had good knowledge, 27 (45%) had average knowledge. Pre-test mean score were 10.11 and SD was 3.51 whereas the post-test mean was 21.35 and SD 2.99. The t-value 16.94, (df.59) which is highly significant and greater than table value 2.02 at 0.05 level of significance which proves the effectiveness of the planned teaching programme. Chi-square analysis shows significant association between knowledge and previous knowledge of subjects, source of information of subjects. Conclusion: The results suggest that supporting, reassuring and educating B.Sc. nursing students and giving information on non pharmacological measure (rocking chair) for progress of 1st stage of labour in primigravida women was effective to increase knowledge and help them to changes in maternity care policies are recommended to promote positive attitudes toward normal delivery.

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Veena Rajput, Indu Jaiswal. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Nonpharmacological Measure (Rocking chair) for Progress of 1st Stage of Labor in Primigravida women among B.Sc. Nursing Students. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2021; 9(1):78-83. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2021.00020.2

Veena Rajput, Indu Jaiswal. Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Nonpharmacological Measure (Rocking chair) for Progress of 1st Stage of Labor in Primigravida women among B.Sc. Nursing Students. Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2021; 9(1):78-83. doi: 10.5958/2454-2652.2021.00020.2   Available on:

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