A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Information Booklet on Knowledge regarding prevention of Recurrence of Renal Calculi among patients with Urolithialis in selected hospital at Ahmedabad
Chauhan Falguni J
Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/h Sainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot – 360006.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: chauhanfalguni1997@gmail.com
The formation of kidney stone is termed as renal calculi more commonly known as kidney stones. In medical condition the terminology of having urinary calculi is termed as nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis where the root word lith’ meaning a stone. People who live in hot climates and become dehydrated more faster are risk for renal calculi due to loss of more fluids from the body. The objectives of the study were a)To assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis .b)To evaluate the effectiveness of Information Booklet on knowledge regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis. c)To find out the association between selected demographic variables and Pre test level of regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis. The research approach selected for the study was quantitative research approach and pre-experimental research one group pre-test post-test design. The study was conducted at selected hospital at Ahmadabad. Total 30 samples were selected from Patients attending OPD & admitted in wards. Patients who are willing to participate in the study. Patients who are present at the time of data collection. Age of patient between 20-60 years. A formal prior permission was obtained from the Hospital, at Ahmedabad. The study was conducted for a period of a week 30 samples were selected based on the criteria for sample selection. The collected data were analyzed by using inferential statistical method. t- test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of A. Findings related to demographic variables of the study 1. The majority of 12(40%) sample’s age is between 15-35 years. 2. The majority of 16(53.33%) samples are female. significant p<0.05 level. Hence their findings of the study revealed that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in knowledge regarding urolithiasis.
KEYWORDS: Assess, Effectiveness, Knowledge, Urolithiasis, Recurrence, Calculi.
Renal calculi are commonly known as kidney stones which affects excretory and secretary function. The urinary system is a group of organs that consist of two kidneys and two ureters with single bladder and urethra. The main function of this system is filtering the bloodstream and excrete out the unwanted fluids and other chemical substance through the urine1.
Urine is liquid it contains excess mineral and vitamins with waste product of metabolism. It also maintains homeostasis with acid base balance and electrolyte balance of blood. Any occlusion in the pathway of obstructs the urine output and rather affects the entire system.The formation of kidney stone is termed as renal calculi more commonly known as kidney stones. In medical condition the terminology of having urinary calculi is termed as nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis where the rootword “Lith” meaning “stone”. People who live in hot climates and become dehydrated faster are risk for renal calculi due to the loss of more fluids from the body.2
Globally,kidney stone disease prevalence and recurrence rates are increasing with limited options of effective drugs.urolithiasis affects about 12% of the world population at some stage in their lifetime.It affects all ages,sexes and races but occurs more frequently in men than in women within the age of 20-49years. The relapsing rate of secondary stone formation is estimated to be 10-23% per year,50% in 5-10years, and 75% in 20 years of patient .However life time recurrence rate is high in males ,although the incidence of nephrolithiasis is growing among females.3,4
· To assess the level of knowledge regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis.
· To evaluate the effectiveness of Information Booklet on knowledge regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis.
· To find out the association between selected demographic variables and Pre test level of regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with Urolithiasis.
H1: The mean post test knowledge scores of patients receiving Information Booklet will be significantly higher than the mean pretest knowledge scores.
H2: There will be significant association between selected demographic variables and Pre test level of regarding prevention of recurrence of renal calculi among patients with urolithiasis.
Research approach:
Quantitative research approach
Research design:
Pre- experimental, one group pre-test post-test design.
Target population:
Patients admitted in selected hospital.
Sampling technique:
Data analysis plan:
The collected data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Major study findings include
A. Findings related to demographic variables of the study:
1. The majority of 12(40%) sample’s age is between 15-35 years.
2. 2.The majority of 16(53.33%) samples are female.
3. The majority of 27(90%) samples are hindu.
4. 4.The majority of 13(43.33%) samples are graduate and above.
5. The majority of 14 (46.67%) samples are from other occupation.
6. The majority of 17 (56.67%) samples are having previous knowledge regarding Prevention of recurrence of renal calculi.
7. The majority of 17 (56.67%) samples are having source of information from mass media.
8. The majority of 17 (56.67%) samples are belongs to urban area.
9. The majority of 24 (80%) samples are not having family history of renal calculi.
B. Finding related to Effectiveness of Information Booklet on knowledge regarding Prevention of recurrence of renal caliculi among patients with urolithiasis:
With regard to effectiveness of Information Booklet on knowledge regarding Prevention of recurrence of renal caliculi among patients with urolithiasis., The calculated ‘t’ value (t = 19.46) is greater than the tabled ‘t’ (p = 2.04). Therefore, the research hypothesis H1 is accepted.
C. Findings related to association between demographic variables and pre test.:
With regard to association between the level of knowledge with their selected demographic variables such as age, educational status and previous knowledge had significant association found. The study shows that the calculated Chi-Square value is more than the tabulated value at the level of 0.05 for these demographic variables. This shows there is significant association between the effectiveness of information booklet and knowledge regarding prevention of recurrence of renal caliculi and selected demographic variables.
The main conclusion from this present study is that most of the patients had inadequate and moderate level of knowledge in pre test and they improved to moderate and adequate level of knowledge in post test. This shows the imperative need to understand the purpose of the Information booklet regarding improving the knowledge about prevention of recurrence of renal caliculi among urolithiasis patients.
1. Health (online). Available from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heath
2. Brunner. Suddharth. Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing. 12th edition. Volume I. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publication. 2010: 855–858.
3. Disease(online). Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20121025044155/http://regentsprep.org/Regents/biology/units/homeostasis/index.cfm
4. Disease (online). Available from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/disease
Received on 01.03.2024 Modified on 21.03.2024
Accepted on 05.04.2024 ©A&V Publications All right reserved
Int. J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2024; 12(2):96-98.
DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2024.00021