A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Savasana on reduction of Stress among Depression patients admitted in selected hospitals at Puducherry


Mr. V. Tamilpulavendran, Dr. R. Danasu

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Nursing College, Kalitheerthalkupam, Madgadipet, Puducherry - 605107, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: pulavan82@gmail.com



The present study was conducted to assess the depression level of depression patient in FLSH at puducherry. The study was true experimental research design with one group pre-test and post-test design. A total of 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected from the FLSH at puducherry by using convenient sample technique. There was a significant difference in pre and post-test level of stress and depression is the overall ‘t’ value (9.58) at p < 0.0001 (p < 0.05) level.


KEYWORDS: Savasana, Reduction of stress, Depression.




Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a highly debilitating, chronic, recurrent, and prevalent disorder. While depression symptoms occur along a continuum with subclinical levels occurring in the general population, and there are important correlates associated with subclinical levels of depression, we will focus on the clinical levels of depression associated with MDD.Current depression was defined as meeting criteria for either major depression or "other depression" (fewer symptoms than major depression, but still meet criteria for a depressive disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, could be classified as non-specified depression or minor depression or dysthymia) during the 2 weeks preceding the survey. The MMWR report on current depression among U.S. adults summarizes the results of that analysis. Many studies have estimated the prevalence of depression in community samples and the prevalence rates have varied from 1.7 to 74 per thousand population.


Reddy and Chandrasekhar carried out a meta-analysis, which included 13 studies on epidemiology of psychiatric disorders which include 33572 subjects from the community and reported prevalence of depression to be 7.9 to 8.9 per thousand population and the prevalence rates were nearly twice in the urban areas. The findings with regard to prevalence in urban population are in line with the findings of a survey done on the entire adult population of an industrial township, which showed that the prevalence rate for depression to be 19.4 per thousand.1



“A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Savasana on Reduction of Stress among Depression Patients admitted in selected Hospitals at Puducherry”



·       To assess the level of stress among depression patient.

·       To correlate the effectiveness of pre-test and post-test of the savasana among depression patient.

·       To associate the effectiveness of post-test with their selected demographic variables.




H1: There will be a significant difference in the level of stress before and after administration of savasana among depression patient.

H2: There will be a significant association between the level of reduction in stress among depression patients with their selected demographic variables.



The present study was conducted to assess the depression level. The study design was true experimental research design with one group pre-test and post-test design. A total of 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected by using convenient sample technique. The researcher first introduced himself to the patients and developed a rapport communication with them. After the selection of samples the data was collected with the prepared tools.


Description of the tool:

Part I:

Demographic variables consisting of age, sex, religion, education, place of living, family monthly income, dietary pattern, occupation, number of siblings, family type.


Part II:

Assessment of knowledge was done by using standard Hamilton’s multiple choice questionnaire. It consist of 17 multiple choice question and total score was 53.

Table 1: Frequency and percentage wise distribution to assess the effectiveness of savasana on reduction of stress among depression patients admitted in selected hospitals at puducherry

Level of Depression

Pre Test

Post Test


























Table 1: The above table findings revealed that in pretest 3(10%) were in normal, 25(83.3%) were in mild, 2(6.7%) were in moderate, in posttest 24(80%) were in normal, 6(20%) were in mild level of depression.


Fig 1: Bar diagram showing percentage wise distribution of depression level in pre and post-test


Table 2: Paired “t”-test was found to assess the effectiveness of savasana on reduction of stress among depression patients admitted in selected hospital at puducherry


pre test

post test

Mean difference
















*-P<0.05, significant and **-P<0.01 and ***-P<0.001, Highly significant


Correlation between Stress and Depression:

The findings revels that correlation between stress and depression is pre test ‘r’ value is 0.489 and p-value is 0.006 in posttest ‘r’ value is 0.353 and ‘p’ value is 0.0559.



The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of savasana on reduction of stress among depression patient at selected hospitals, puducherry.


A total number of 30 depression patients were selected from the present study. The pre-test was conducted using a structured questionnaire after pre-test, savasana meditation technique were administered among patients. After 8 days the post test was conducted by using the same questionnaire in the same manner.


The study had proved that savasana had bought about excellent changes in the level of stress among depression patients.


The first objective is to assess the level of stress among depression patients.:

In this objective reveals that in pre-test about 3(10%) had normal level of depression, 25(83.3%) had mild level of the depression, 2(6.7%) had moderate level of the depression. Table 8 revealed that pre-test about 11 (36.7%) had moderate level, 18(36.7%) had severe level and 1(3.3%) had extremely severe stress level. It is revealed that increased in stress level on depression patients.


J Body Mov Ther (2010) Functional fitness improvements after a worksite- based yoga initiative. This study explored the benefits of yoga on functional fitness, flexibility, and perceived stress. A quasi-experimental design was used to measure benefits of yoga in sample of firefighters from a major metropolitan fire department. Yoga classes were conducted on-shift, in the fire stations over the period of 6 weeks. Paired t-tests revealed significant improvements in the Functional Movement Screen, a seven item test that measure functional ftness. Improvement were also noted in trunk flexibility and perceived stress.2


The second objective is to correlate the effectiveness of pre-test and post-test of the savasana among depression patients.

In this study objective reveals that pre-test mean value 24.97 standard deviation 3.96 level of depression. In post-test mean value 17.37, standard deviation 3.59 level of depression. In pre test mean value was 26.47% with the standard deviation of 3.95% total mean percentage was 63%. In post-test mean value was 16.13% with the standard deviation of 3.28% total mean percentage was 38% for stress.


J Aging Phys (2011) Does yoga engender fitness in older adults? A critical review. Interest in yoga is growing, especially among older adults. This review critically summarizes the current literature to investigate whether physical fitness and function benefits are engendered through the practice of yoga in older adults. However, more evidence is needed to determine its effectiveness as an alternative exercise to promote fitness in older adults. Further investigation into yoga as an exercise activity for older adults is warranted.3


The third objective is to associate the effectiveness of post-test with their selected demographic variables.

In this objective revealed that in post-test there was statistically significant association between the demographic variable of sex.


PrevCardiol (2001) Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health-Related Aspects of Physical Fitness.Each yoga session consisted of 10 minutes of pranayamas (breath-control exercise), 15 minutes of dynamic warm-up exercise, 50 minutes of asanas (yoga postures), and 10 minutes of supine relaxation in savasana (corpse pose). The subjects were evaluated before and after the 8 weeks training program. These findings indicate that regular hatha yoga practice can elicit improvements in the health-related aspects of physical fitness.4


Hypothesis tested:

In this study revealed that there was a significant difference in pre and post-test level of stress and depression is the overall ‘t’ value (9.58) at p < 0.0001 (p < 0.05) level. Thus the investigator rejected the null hypothesis by stating that there were was statistically significant association between the savasana and reduction of stress and depression in post-test.



The present study was conducted to assess the depression level of depression patient in FLSH at puducherry. The study was true experimental research design with one group pre-test and post-test design. A total of 30 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected from the FLSH at Puducherry by using convenient sample technique. The researcher first introduced himself to the patients and developed a rapport communication with them. After the selection of samples the data was collected with the prepared tools.



Part I: Demographic variables consisting of age, sex, religion, education, place of living, family monthly income, dietary pattern, occupation, number of siblings, family type.


Part II: Assessment of knowledge was done by using standard hamilton’s multiple choice questionnaire. It consist of 17 multiple choice question and total score was 53.



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Received on 08.04.2021         Modified on 05.05.2021

Accepted on 29.05.2021       ©A&V Publications All right reserved

Int.  J. of Advances in Nur. Management. 2021; 9(3):238-240.

DOI: 10.52711/2454-2652.2021.00054